Whenever I think my time studying abroad couldn’t get any cooler, I am quickly corrected. As part of my program I went to Rome, Italy for the weekend with half of my study abroad group, and was able to spend time seeing the center of the art world if only for a few days. We took a bus to Malaga on Friday and flew to Rome from there, stayed until Monday afternoon and then flew back. At first I was nervous I wouldn’t have enough time to see everything, but surprisingly it was just the right amount.
The first full day in Rome we took a panoramic bus tour (no, not the buses you sit on top of, although that would’ve been nice) to see all the great sites. Our guide spoke over the speakers in our bus, and I don’t think anyone actually heard what he said the first five minutes. Not because it was hard to hear him, but because everyone was giggling at his accent. I know, immature, right? Well, not that I didn’t giggle a little, too. “Good’a morning’a. We’a are agoing’a to’a start’a our tour at’a the so-called’a Coliseum’a and’a end’a at’a Saint’a Peters’a.”
Our guide was very informative, and went in depth in describing the history and present use for each building and area we crossed in Rome. If you have ever taken an Art History course, it is just mind-boggling. I have seen slide after slide of artwork and churches and sculptures in Rome and although I always wanted to see them up close, it was hard to believe when I actually was. I suppose it’s like seeing a celebrity, only far more acceptable to stare at and run up to.
Rome pretty much blew my mind architecturally. I felt like an ant in this city with monstrous sculptures and massive buildings that although aren’t much bigger than any in many other cities I’ve been to, are massive in their design. Large chunks of marble or other stones comprise huge ledges and friezes in fronts of buildings that although look extremely important, can be used for something quite simple. Not only are the buildings massive and in a style I’ve only seen in history books, but also modern and ancient are grouped together in a way that makes B.C. buildings stand out in such a peculiar fashion.
That first day, I didn’t know how to feel about Rome. Here we were seeing massive beautiful constructions, some dating back to B.C. or early A.D., and at the same time there were seas of tourists, men dressed as Gladiators, people selling cheaply made yet expensive souvenirs, and every language on earth being spoken at once. I was a tourist, yet I hated the idea of tourists, and I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to live in Rome.
People pushed by you on the street, peddlers came up with sun glasses and postcards saying “Good price, good price,” and I thought, “Where is Italy? Where is Rome? This can’t be Rome.” The postcards showed pictures of monuments standing proudly and alone, yet in reality each place was swarmed with mobs of people and it was hard to get from A to B. Large cities with a lot of people in it is nothing compared to large cities with tourists. And we weren’t even there in high season! To say the least, I was overwhelmed.
We had our guide for half of the morning, and the rest of our time in Rome was up to us on how we wanted to spend it. Over the morning we saw the Coliseum, the Imperial Forums, too many famous churches to count, and ended at the Vatican. To see this place in person is wild.
We walked to the Museum, which is attached to the church, and had absolutely no lines at all. We bought a ticket with an amazing student discount that practically cut the ticket cost in half, and spent our next five hours at the St. Peters.
Of course, the church was absolutely beautiful and massive. However, the only thing that made me feel it was special was the fact that it was the Vatican. Yes, it was impressive, but it wasn’t so elaborate and outstanding that I thought it was the most beautiful church ever. I did pay Peter’s pence and said a small prayer, and then immediately afterwards said, “Oh my GOD!” when looking at something. Caroline had to jab me to remind me, we were indeed in one of the holiest places on Earth. Yeah, pretty sure I’m going to hell for that.
In hindsight, probably my favorite part of the church itself, not counting the museum, was seeing the former Popes’ tombs. Caroline and I got to see the tomb of Pope John Paul II, and many people stood around solemnly praying, as well as dropping pictures, letters, and flowers on his tomb. Pictures weren’t allowed, but it was a very simple tomb, with its only decorations being the prayers of visitors.
As most of you know, I got to visit Italy a year ago with my boyfriend Justin.
If Italy is known for anything it’s the food and the people. I have never met nicer people on Earth than the Italians I met in the ristorantes we ate at. Our second night in Rome, Caroline, our friend Maureen and I went to a place close by that wasn’t gluten-free, but helped us in picking dishes we wouldn’t have problems with. The owner loved us. His name was Gionni, and I think he especially loved our friend Maureen. Small blondes get a lot of attention in Italy and Spain! Gionni was very nice to us, poking fun at us, laughing with us, checking on us often, and giving us a free drink of Limoncello, a strong and popular Italian liquor. It was exactly how you see people enjoying themselves in Italy on TV. It was so perfect and we kissed him goodbye saying we would send more people to his ristorante.
The next night, Caroline was bound and determined to find some gluten-free pasta while we were in Italy. So we found an Internet café, and sure enough Caroline found a place only a few blocks away! We went to the ristorante and asked them personally if they indeed had gluten-free food. The waiter told us they had it all, from pizza to pasta to dessert. Caroline and I made a reservation and ran away jumping and skipping and cheering for food!
Four of us went to dinner and we were all excited for some great food. The cuisine was absolutely amazing, and Caroline and I had a hard time suppressing our excitement and happiness. Caroline ordered a margherita pizza, and I ordered pasta with pesto and we shared.
Of course, we did many other things than just look at monuments and eat. Well, kind of. I ate gelato at least two times a day, trying to get my fill of all of the flavors.
And, I did find Rome. Once I got lost in the backstreets and away from the tourist traps, I peered into windows of classic Italian Ristorantes and heard bands play in the squares while people sat on the verandas and enjoyed their pasta, I knew I was in Italy. All of my plans followed through perfectly; I came, I saw, I ate, and my pants are fitting a little bit tighter. My only wish was that Justin could’ve been there to indulge with me on the food. Although I would like to see as many countries as possible and experience new and different cultures, I think I will always want to return to Italy. Who would like to join me?
Ciao bella!